New Books
Editorial Introduction
Sophie Smith
Roundtable: Melissa Lane’s Of Rule and Office: Plato’s Ideas of the Political (2023)
Queries On Method And Martial Virtue
Connor Grubaugh
Guarding The Guardians
Miyo Peck-Suzuki
Author’s Response
Melissa Lane
Roundtable: Sophie Lewis's Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation (2022)
Contradiction and Making the World Anew
Kushti Westwood
Love’s Demands
Mori Reithmayr
Author’s Response
Sophie Lewis
Political Money from Locke to Kwasi Kwarteng
Eloise Davies
Of Silver and Constitutions
Ian Carroll
On the Political (Im)possibilities of Capitalist Money
Jan Hendricks
Author’s Response
Stefan Eich
Roundtable: Jeanne Morefield's Unsettling the World: Edward Said and Political Theory (2022)
The Subversive Potential of Inconsistency
Simple Rajrah
Counterpoint, Late Style, Polyphony
Samuel Holcroft
Author’s Response
Jeanne Morefield